Showing 1 - 52 out of 52
- Investigating the role of the protooncogene C-MET and the P13K/mTor signalling pathway in Lamina Cribrosa in Glaucoma.
- UKEGS/IGA 2019 - 2020
- C O’Brien, M Irnaten
- Mechano-transduction and substrate stiffness of the Lamina Cribrosa.
- Irish College of Ophthalmologists /Novartis Award. 2018
- R Murphy, C O’Brien
- Lamina cribrosa cell bioenergetics and metabolomics in glaucoma.
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists/ International Glaucoma Association 2017-2018
- C O’Brien, M Irnaten
- Epigenetics in the Pathogenesis of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma.
- Health Research Board 2017-19
- D Wallace, C O’Brien
- Role of Nox-4 in Lamina Cribrosa Fibrosis in Glaucoma.
- Irish College of Ophthalmologists Award 2017
- R Goetz, C O’Brien
- To investigate the role of methylation in the regulation of Lysyloxidase Like I expression in Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma.
- The Glaucoma Foundation 2015-16
- D Wallace, C O’Brien
- Mitochondrial Respiratory function in lamina cribrosa cells.
- Irish College of Ophthalmology /Novartis Award. 2016
- K Kamel /C O'Brien
- Caveolins, Calcium Signalling and Fibrosis of Lamina Cribrosa Cells in Glaucoma.
- Glaucoma Research Foundation, San Francisco Awards for Innovative Research
- C O’Brien, D Wallace
- An analysis of normal and glaucomatous human lamina cribrosa and trabecular meshwork cell behavious as determined by rigidity of surrounding extracellular matrix 2013-14
- International Glaucoma Association /UK & Eire Glaucoma Society 2013-14
- C O’Brien, D Wallace
- Glaucoma: An Insight into Epigenomic Reprogramming
- Health Research Board 2012-15
- D Wallace, C O’Brien
- Novel anti-connective tissue growth factor antibody therapy in pseudoexfoliation glaucoma.
- Health Research Board 2011-13
- C O’Brien, D Wallace, J Crean
- Characterisation of several proteins identified in the serum of patients with Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma.
- Pfizer Ireland /Irish College of Ophthmology 2010
- F. Doyle, D. Wallace, C. O’Brien.
- The relationship between oxidative stress and calcium homeostasis in human lamina cribrosa cells and their effects on extracellular matrix remodeling.
- Pfizer Ireland /Irish College of Ophthmology 2010
- W.F. Siah, D. Wallace, C.O’Brien.
- Role of anti-GTGF antibody in Glaucoma.
- International Glaucoma Association /UK & Eire Glaucoma Society 2009
- D. Wallace, C. O’Brien.
- Evaluation of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma associated auto-antigens as disease biomarkers and the role of their antigenic targets in neurodegeration.
- Glaucoma Research Foundation, New York 2007-8
- D Murphy, C O’Brien
- Modulation of lamina cribrosa matrix remodeling in glaucoma.
- National Glaucoma Research (American Health Assistance Foundation) 2007-9
- C O’Brien, T Holmes, W Watson.
- Mechanisms in diabetic retinopathy.
- National Council for the Blind of Ireland 2005-7
- C O’Brien, N Sweeney, L Cryan
- Optic nerve gene expression studies.
- Alcon Research Labs 2004
- C O’Brien, R Kirwan
- Molecular mechanism of retinal pericyte apoptosis in diabetic retinopathy.
- Health Research Board, North-South Grants 2004-6
- C O’Brien, A Stitt, T Cotter
- Effect of TFG beta on matrix remodelling in glaucoma.
- Mater College 2003
- R Kirwan
- Effects of hyperglycaemia on vascular endothelial function.
- Phil Vizzard Research Fellowship 2002
- P Connell, P Cahill, C O’Brien
- The role of nitric oxide in retinal ganglion cell apoptosis. Implications for glaucoma.
- Health Research Board 2002 -4
- C O’Brien, T Cotter
- Effect of pulsatatile flow in retinal microvascular cells
- National Glaucoma Research 2002-2005
- C O’Brien, P Cahill, T Walsh
- Lamina Cribrosa fibroblasts in glaucoma
- Alcon Research Labs 2002
- C O’Brien, R Kirwan
- Vascular endothelial function in diabetic retinopathy.
- Irish College of Ophthalmology /Pharmacia 2001
- P Connell, P Cahill, C O’Brien
- An assessment of quality of life in people of 65 years and older who are registered as visually impaired in Ireland.
- Health Research Board 2001
- Gallagher, J Jackson, C O’Brien
- To study nitric oxide independent vascular relaxation in human posterior ciliary arteries.
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 2000
- C. O’Brien, P. McLoughlin
- To evaluate the role of cyclic stretch on cultured trabecular meshwork cells in glaucoma.
- International Glaucoma Association 2000
- C. O’Brien, H. Devlin
- To investigate cyclooxygenase activity in glaucoma.
- International Glaucoma Association 2000
- C. O’Brien, D. Fitzgerald
- To study corticosteroid metabolism in glaucoma patients.
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1999
- C O’Brien
- To study glare disability in glaucoma.
- Allergan Pharmaceuticals 1999
- C. O’Brien, P. Aspinall
- Glare and its practice consequences in glaucoma.
- Engineering and Physical Science Research Council, London 1998
- P. Aspinall, C. O’Brien
- Study the effects of glucocorticoids on cultured trabecular meshwork cells.
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1998
- C. O’Brien, R. Best, J. Seckl
- To study ocular and systemic corticosteroid.
- The Ross Foundation 1997
- C. O’Brien, R Best, J. Seckl
- To examine corticosteroid metabolism in glaucoma.
- Sir Stanley and Lady Davidson Award 1997
- R. Best, J. Seckl, C.O’Brien
- To purchase a microscope for myography studies of isolated ocular blood vessels.
- Sir Stanley and Lady Davidson Award 1997
- C. Buckley, C. O’Brien
- Corticosteroid metabolism in glaucoma.
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1997
- C. O’Brien, R Best, J. Seckl
- To measure corticosteroid responsiveness in glaucoma
- British Council for the Prevention of Blindness 1997
- R Best, J Seckl, C O’Brien
- To study vascular endothelial cell dysfunction and ocular vaso-reactivity in low tension glaucoma.
- Royal National Institute for the Blind 1996
- C. O’Brien, DJ Webb, P Hadoke
- To investigate the in-vitro contractile responses of isolated orbital and ocular blood vessels.
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1995
- C O’Brien, P Hadoke
- To study ocular blood flow in ocular hypertension.
- International Glaucoma Association 1995
- C O’Brien
- To purchase a laser Doppler flowmeter to study retinal blood flow in glaucoma.
- Ross Foundation 1994
- C O’Brien
- To purchase a pulsatile ocular blood flow machine.
- International Glaucoma Association 1994
- C O’Brien
- To support community based shared-care of ocular hypertension and glaucoma with local optometrists.
- Scottish Office Primary Care Fund 1994
- C O’Brien, D Cameron
- To fund a post-doctoral research fellow to study early visual dysfunction in glaucoma.
- Royal National Institute for the Blind 1994
- R Anderson, C O’Brien
- Purchase of equipment to study psychophysical visual loss in glaucoma.
- Ross Foundation 1993
- C O’Brien
- To purchase a confocal laser scanning ophthalmoscope for glaucoma research.
- Alcon laboratories UK 1993
- C O’Brien
- To study ocular blood flow in low tension glaucoma .
- The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association 1993
- Z Butt, C O’Brien
- To support research salaries.
- Ciba Vision 1993 to support research salaries
- C O’Brien
- To support a research fellow for clinical studies with the flicker perimeter.
- International Glaucoma Association/College of Ophthalmology Research Grant 1992
- C O’Brien
- Glaucoma Group Award 1991.
- Glaucoma Group Award 1991.
- C O’Brien
- To design an automated flicker perimeter to study early visual field loss in glaucoma.
- Mersey Regional Health Authority 1990
- C O’Brien, A Ansons, P Hammond